четвъртък, 31 януари 2013 г.

Blogs in Plain English


Club "Virtualen puteshetvenik"


It is my common work place


Teacher training


Teaching English blogathon


сряда, 30 януари 2013 г.

Choosing the right project and portfolio


От 02.07 -04.07.2012   в гр. Вършец се проведе обучение  с учителите от ФСГ"В.Левски"-Монтана на тема "Учителското портфолио - инструмент за диференцираното оценяване на учителската дейност " с лектор  проф. д-р Марияна Стефанова от Европейски център за устойчиво развитие в образованието

A place to learn English grammar and vocabulary


Kaкво трябва да знае учителят?


вторник, 29 януари 2013 г.

Why in Ireland?


Description of the lesson -Star watching


Presentation - Easter


Presentation-Star watching


Presentation -Christmas time


My favourite video

Открит урок / Open lesson/


About me

CHILDREN ARE ONE -THIRD OF OUR POPULATION AND ALL OF OUR FUTURE.-ANONYMOUS Thank you for checking out this page and taking the time to learn more about me. If I had to describe myself using a few words, I would say: I am very motivated, I am a learner.- I have always loved learning , discovering new things and teaching foreign languages. Probably that is why I feel I WORK IN A PLACE WHERE I can best learn about others and myself. I have been teaching for 38 years now. My journey into teaching started when I was 20 years old. First I was a student at FIRST language school - Pleven. Then I studied Russian phylology at Sofia University"Kl.Ohridski" - Sofia and graduated as a Russian teacher. Then I studied English phylology at the New Bulgarian University-Sofia and graduated as an English teacher. After graduation I worked as an Russian and English techer at First school "St.St.Kiril and Metodii" and from 1999 I have been teaching English at Finance and Economy High school - Montana and here I am now, still teaching English and still enjoying it.